Breaking Free

The die is cast,

The route is set,

I will go on though nothing is left,

I move on, marching onward

my eyes never dulling for I am looking forward.

Let no one be fooled, or else fool me,

The worst thing for you is that I am free,

I will flourish, rise I will, you’ll see,

Though your selfishness had grounded me.

My dharma rises like a tidal wave,

Until it towers high above your measly grave,

Now that I have broken your callous embrace

My freedom ensures you are no longer in the race.



Published by Vadhan

India. 1600 languages. Each Language represents a culture. Each culture has its lore. Its a rainbow, a waterfall of stories to choose. I wade through the waters of time, reliving myth, writing my stories around it. I am Vadhan.

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